craft Polish brand
White Currant

tincture of White Currant
"Slav once again" - Wiktoria from the Żywiołak band
White currant, as a rare fruit, had magical properties ascribed to Slavic cultures. White currant alcohols were used during rituals for the most important gods and in the most serious diseases.
“Reminds me of mead”
“Honey flavor”
“Slav once again”
From the Żywiołak band
Considered in Poland as Superfruit. In addition, in folk medicine valued for its properties supports the work of the heart, so they can also be consumed as part of the prevention of heart attack, atherosclerosis or stroke. Rich in routine, white currant fruits have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, cleanse their walls of deposits and strengthen them. They also support the immune system and stimulate cell regeneration in the body. Thanks to antioxidants, they prevent aging and improve visual acuity. foreign countries, obtaining a much larger fruit with a similar taste. Making an alcoholic tincture of strawberry is not a simple task as this flavor requires an accompaniment of other flavors to achieve harmony. Here we present you a perfectly composed strawberry liqueur with a herbal addition. Our herbal supplement is used in folk medicine for stomach and digestion.
volume – 500ml
strength – 30%